myEU - 2018-2-IT03-KA205-014235
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Welcome to the motivatEyoUth ICT tool for competence assessment.

This tool is addressed to young people aged 18-24 who left the school before completing upper- secondary education. The tool is free of charge.

The self-assessment test is designed to help you to get to know yourself better and assess your skills for the labour market and the modern world of work. When you finish the test, you will receive a feedback report detailing your strengths and the areas that need development. Test results can help you to make decisions about further education and career planning as well as to explore the labour market. Before you take the test, you will need to provide some information about yourself. This data will be used solely to interpret the assessment results and prepare the competency report. Please read the Information clause on personal data processing of a tool user here and click the accept button below.

I have read and agree to the terms of service

You can stop the test at any time. If you want to continue the test, save your token to log in again. All the results will be saved.

Start the competency test now!

or login with your token
